Day 7 and 8

Yesterday we moved to a new hotel much better suited to our needs. J was ok with the change, he was quite excited to see the new room and the new swimming pool although we have not yet been swimming.

There is a little park around the corner where I took him to play football yesterday, we didn’t go out we just had a quiet day together. No crisis just defiance and basic naughtiness.  We also managed to skype with my other sister which I was very happy about.

Today we had to go back to the orphanage as he had to do his fingerprint for the passport. He was excited we were going to see his friends. He went to the police station with a member of staff of the orphanage, he was a little confused as mommy and daddy were not coming and when he came back I got a big hug. In the afternoon we went to Cubbon Park with our friends and their daughter. We had a nice time, it’s a beautiful park with the biggest bamboo I’ve ever seen after that a quick stop at the mall and back to the hotel.

The hotel has some water features and he is fascinated by water. I explained that this is not water to play in but he did not listen. He is really testing us and we have to introduce some discipline so after the third time I picked him up and went to the room. Of course he was crying but there was no aggression. Again he slowly inched his way back to me and we tried to go and have dinner. It was clear I had not given him enough time to settle down, nothing was ok in the restaurant so in fact I picked him up again and came back to the room. It was a combination of being too tired and naughty, he likes to take a nap in the afternoon but we don’t think that is a good idea so today he had no nap at all. I showered him and prepared him for bed. I gave him some fruit, he was still crying quietly, it broke my heart. I explained again that we love him very much and he gave me a kiss and said I love you too mommy. It’s gonna take time for him to learn discipline and behaviour. But we have lots of time, a whole life time! So mommy is having room service tonight whilst daddy finishes dinner with our friends.

We were told today that the passport might take another 10 days so it is unlikely we will be back home on our booked travel day. We have decided to go to Kerala the day after tomorrow. Our hotel in Bangalore has a resort in Kerala as well. It is very peaceful and I think it might be the right thing for all of us. We will also go by plane so it will be good practice for him to try the plane ride.

Kerala looks beautiful, we will do an overnight trip on a houseboat. We need some peace and quiet with our boy and some quality time. He’s doing great considering we’ve only been together a week! The anger outbursts in the first few days I believe were his way of grieving cause he has not shown any more anger in the last three days.  He only needs lots of time when he wakes up, he is usually crying and it takes at least 10 minutes for him to fully wake up from a nap. In the morning it is no problem as he comes to our bed when he is awake and happy.

We’re very proud of him, there are small improvements every day J


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