day 6

Today was our first monsterless day J We had the same routine as yesterday: breakfast, swimming, nap, mall and bed.

Apart from some defiance everything went great so I’m not going to describe every part of our day in detail, I will limit it to the story of the ball pit.

J really liked the soft play area at the mall and he was a bit upset he had to go home yesterday so we thought it would be a good idea to go again today so he understands that finishing fun doesn’t mean that it doesn’t come back. Before we went in I asked him not to shout and not to throw balls at the other children like yesterday and here’s what happened:

He went straight to the ball pit to swim in the balls. There was one other girl in there as soon as he entered she started throwing balls in the air. He took two balls in his hand and suddenly turned to me, smiled and put them back down. I was so proud of him I could cry (well my eyes welled up). He played all the time near us, he doesn’t want to lose sight of us. I had to tell him a few times what not to do and he listened immediately. I warned him that it would almost be time to go so he went into the ball pit one more time. There was an older kid in there and suddenly he started pummelling our boy with balls. He was so confused here was this kid throwing balls at him and mommy had told him not to throw balls at the other kids.... I went closer to the pit to see what was happening and suddenly he started crying and ran out into my arms pointing at the other kid. He hadn’t thrown back any ball so I told him what a good boy he was. At that time it was also time to go and there was no argument at all. We finished with dinner and he wanted to go back home to Momo to sleep.

Momo is a great bear. Momo was born four years ago when we received the approval to adopt. I went to the bear factory and Momo was made. I picked the outside, the hardness of the stuffing and I put a little heart inside with a kiss and a wish. Momo was in the pictures that we sent to the orphanage when we got our referral and Momo was there with us when we went to meet our son. He loves Momo and sometimes in the evening I hear him talk to Momo.

Today was a great day without any crisis, I’m sure there will be lots of monster moments to come but one day at the time J

Tomorrow we are moving to a new hotel. Although the hotel where we are is nice the area is not, there is nothing to do outside. We have already told him that we are going to a new hotel tomorrow and he seemed fine with that.


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