Happy New Year!

2013 was by far the most exciting year in my life, all the years that led up to it just pale next to 2013.

It was everything I hoped for and more.  It also went by incredibly fast with highs and lows and above all lots of love and happiness.

Here’s a recap of our highlights:

7 January 2013 court approval!

18 February GOTCHA day and the start to an incredible journey of motherhood it also marked the beginning of a friendship with a special family in India to whom I will always be grateful for taking us under their wings.

6th of June we celebrated his birthday for the first time as a family.

26th of June I celebrated my first birthday as a mom.

July he went to summer school for the first time. The hardest thing ever as he thought we were giving him back. We’re so over that and he’s now happy to go to school and happy to come home every day.

In September he started school.

In November we moved to the states for a few months so big change but all is going great.

December; our first New Year celebrations together.

Yesterday we celebrated new year’s eve with dear friends of ours and as I was getting a drink and standing close to a ledge (not a very high one) he said: Mommy be careful! I don’t want you to fall down because I don’t want another mommy, I only want you as my mommy.

There were a lot of special moments in 2013 and I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store for us. I look forward to seeing how we grow as a family. Thank you to all our friends and family who were there for us in 2013 and continue to support and love us and have accepted and seen J for who he is: an amazing little boy with a huge heart!


  1. OH my goodness Heidi I LOVE this post!!! And his concern for you and KNOWING that YOU are his mommy made me cry!! I'm SO HAPPY for you!!!! xoxo

    1. I just watched your video on your blog, the transformation of Munni is so amazing. You're doing a great job at being an awesome mom!!!


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