
We started our “Indian experience” already in the air J We flew Air India to Delhi and from there on to Bangalore. The flights were excellent, service was great and food was tasty and Indian of course J and believe it or not but I managed to sleep! It was only 7.5 hours to Delhi from London (not 9.5 as we’d been told) and another 2.5 hours to Bangalore.
We arrived at the airport where we were picked up by what we thought was our taxi which we had booked on line but turned out to be a driver sent from the hotel so there may still be someone at the airport trying to find us. It was all very confusing once we discovered that we didn’t actually take the taxi we booked. The drive was amazing, there is not 1 minute that goes by without a car honking and I am astonished at how many people they can fit on a scooter J There are no traffic rules, everyone just drives wherever they want. The area around the airport is very manicured but once you leave the perimeter of the airport you find yourself in true India. Half finished bridges, dusty, hot and so crowed but at the same time so colourful and intriguing.

Our hotel is nice, we had to rearrange our room a little bit as we wanted a bigger room and all this has now been taken care of. It’s great that we are 4.5 hours ahead of home, the day has gone by so fast and before we know it, it will be tomorrow J
Off to have a shower now and some sleep :)

I just kept looking at the screen thinking yes we'are actually there!

Happy to be here!


We had a little trouble trying to fit everything into the boot of the taxi :)

Our room gives out to a cute little garden


  1. AHHHHHH! I love it! It all looks so familiar ;). I'm so excited for you. We barely missed each other!


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