2 month anniversary....

Our two month anniversary has gone and passed. We marked it with cake and hot chocolate (for a change J)

Things continue to go well. Julian by now has met quite a few people and has won over every one of them. He’s quite the charmer and he’s so cute, it is impossible not to like him. He continues to be very stubborn at times which can lead to the dreaded tantrums but I have to say they are less frequent now. I just read a very good blog post about how adoptive parents are plagued by guilt and it’s true. You wait so long for your child that once it is there, you are afraid to complain because you wanted it so much so surely you should just be happy all the time. But things don’t go smoothly all the time. I remember the first week I did ask myself if I was cut out for this. Two months later, I can say Yes I’m cut out for it.  I feel comfortable in my mommy role and more importantly with Julian. In the last two months I have gotten to know him so much better that it has become easier for me to deal with any issues and enjoy the nice moments which far outweigh the difficult ones. Julian in return also feels comfortable with me and tells me every day he likes his mommy and how happy he is. When we have a little power struggle, it usually ends with a walk through the garden giving us both some time to think things over, he will always end up doing what he did not want to do to begin with. Then he looks at me and says: Mommy verrrrrry happy !  Making mommy happy seems to be a regular factor when contemplating to do something like put away his toys, tidy his room etc...He’s so proud when he’s done it and is as happy as mommy.

The battles he picks are interesting though, 8 out of 10 times when I tell him not to do something he will say: Ok mommy! But it’s those two other times when things are usually headed for a crisis. This morning I told him not to put the scissors into his mouth, he was not happy about that which was funny as he had just done some amazing cutting out of shapes right on the line. They were perfect and he’d been so proud. I decided not to hammer on about it, I went to the kitchen to get a snack and pretended I didn’t see his thunder face J I gave him a snack and told him again what a great job he’d done with the cutting. He looked at me and gave me a hug and it was all over.

He is not going to school yet, I don’t see the point as the school year is just about to finish. We have left him with a regular babysitter for a few hours on two occasions. I wasn’t happy about leaving him alone but actually it was fine. Today it was very funny as I had to go out for an hour so he said to me: Mommy you go very quickly, you drive very very fast so you come back quickly. There is no question to him who are his parents even if we have guests he does not get confused. But the big love of this month is his big brother who came to visit for a week. He was so excited when I told him his big brother will come and visit and he’s coming with the airplane. All morning whilst daddy went to the airport he said to me: Big brother is not coming, I can’t hear the airplane, no airplane outside. He really thought it was going to land in the garden! And since his brother has gone back home every day he tells me: tomorrow my big brother will come back with the airplane.

So every day I am grateful for my handsome little man, I am grateful he is here and how well he is doing. I am grateful he taught me how to love unconditionally because I do. So here’s to the rest of our life! Happy 2 month anniversary to us...



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