Swimming lessons and hot chocolates...

So we are still in Bangalore still waiting for the passport and we decided to make the most of it whilst we are here. We found a swimming club right around the corner of our apartment where every day they have swimming lessons for children.

We thought lets give it a go... yesterday was the first lesson. The lessons are one hour. J was in a small group of 3 students (one of which is his new friend R) and things started well. I have to admit I was nervous, J still needs to learn a lot about acceptable behaviour with other people (shouting, hitting and biting is not allowed) but things went fairly ok, after half an hour he had enough though and started crying so I nodded at the teacher that it was ok to let him go. He was so cold, he was shaking like a leaf, my little man has no body fat. After swimming we go to the coffee shop for hot chocolate and cappuccino for mommy.

Today was lesson number 2, I had a little chat with the teacher beforehand and today was much better. Of course he tried to do what he wanted such as putting his head under the water all the time but all in all it wasn’t too bad and he lasted 45 minutes today! After the lesson we went back to our regular coffee shop. I asked him what would you like? He looks at me with this dead serious face and says: Mommy, I would like a cappuccino please... this made me laugh. We had a rough morning and I had to get really angry this morning. Although there are no more terrible tantrums and he now tries to hug and kiss his way out of trouble this morning was not all great.

At the end of the day we went for a walk in the park and we wanted to go and see the Indira Ghandi musical fountain. If you’ve been to Vegas and have seen the Bellagio fountains, these will hardly impress you, but the kids absolutely loved it. The Indian music is great and we danced in front of the fountains. On the way there we walked through the park, there are a few places where they water the plants and for the last week every time he had to pick up the hose despite me asking him to leave it alone... well today we made history. I asked nicely and he left it! So I said to him mommy is so very happy now... we then had to make a turn and pass the hose again and low and behold he left it, he looked at me and I said mommy is very very very happy now... so the rest of the way he was so happy that mommy was very very very happy.

It was another day with ups and downs but the ups are on the way up so this mommy is actually very very very happy.


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