
We had some bad news yesterday, where I thought our file had already long been filed in the court it appears now this is not the case. There seem to be more documents missing, I was so disappointed that another month has passed without anything happening and as per usual some of the documents are already in our file. I am waiting for clarification on what exactly is needed. At the same time the warden of the orphanage has passed away. We did not get a chance to meet this woman but judging from the reactions on facebook etc.. this was a wonderful person and I am sure the children and staff are going through a difficult time. I can't help but wonder what effect this lady had on Raju's life and if he is in any way going through a hard time. I feel so helpless not to be able to do anything. I hope we can clarify the missing documents before our trip to the US, I hate to think we would loose another month on administrative nonsense. I know it is not nonsense and it is important but still.... sometimes...

Last week I ordered some nice decorations for Raju's room and light fittings, it felt so good to be picking those out... I hope he will like them.

Well time to board, we are traveling a lot in the next months, but the trip I really want to book is the one to India...


  1. "With love and patience, nothing is impossible"
    You and Udi prove that.
    But of course... it must be hard for both of you to wait that long for your little beam of sunshine :-)

    Love Nathalie and David

  2. Dear Heidi,

    hello. I read with interest your (few) updates from Bangalore. I'm not sure my words will help you much but I just wanted to make you feel our support, for the bond that we have with Raju.This time last year we were exactly in your same situation, Krishna, my wife Alessandra and I. We were in Italy waiting to leave to India, we really struggle in keeping ourselves cool and not get carried away by the discouragement. We had so many questions inside our hearts for which we couldn't get proper answers. Then, a few months after, we were finally called, we arrived in Bangalore and at Vatshalya. We finally met Krishna and after that we spend ten incredible days in India so special that every single moment will remain forever in out memories and hearts. When you will meet Raju you'll finally get a taste of the real Indian " flavour and essence" and you will understand the reason of many things that now seem inconceivable and unfair. Us western people struggle to understand certain aspects of the Indian culture, at least until we do not experience them in first person. We have to endure them unable to do anything about. Mary Phillips' departure is surely a great loss for Vatshalya but i can assure for my experience that Raju won't lack love and affection, many people are looking after the children, VCT it's an amazing place and you will see in person how great is the job that these people do daily.
    Try to keep cool, your journey is almost done and, when Raju will be with you, there's a whole new world waiting for you all. Good luck from the very bottom of our hearts.

  3. Dear Barney, thank you so much for your kind words. They mean a lot to us and the support we get really lifts our spirits. I think we are very lucky that VCT was chosen for us and to know that Raju is loved so much makes it this a lot more bearable. I know that this part of the journey is nearly over and the next part can begin :) I remain positive, it's just another administrative hurdle and we've overcome so many already so I am sure in the end things will be ok. Thank you, I know that Raju means a lot to you :)


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