letter to my son

To my son,

15 years ago I met an extraordinary man. A father of two, intelligent and charming he swept me right of my feet. We talked about kids and both of us were drawn to the idea of adoption. 10 years later, we felt the time was right. You were not born yet when we started our journey. In four weeks our life but yours even more so will be turned upside down. We will take you away from everything you know, your foster family, your friends at the orphanage, your country... You are not young enough not to realise it and too young to fully understand it. The orphanage has prepared you and when you see our pictures you say mommy and daddy but yet I do not think you realise what is about to happen.

When I think of you my heart swells with love and pride. You had a rough start in life but you are a joyous boy with a zest for life. I know things will be very hard in the beginning for you but I can tell you that on the other side there is a world full of love waiting for you. There is a big sister who can’t wait to take you to Eurodisney and a big brother who is so excited about your arrival. There are nieces and nephews who can’t wait to play with you and share their toys with you. Aunties  who have been there for me during the last five years an can’t wait for you to have a sleep over with them. Grandparents who are already proud of their grandson and can’t wait for you to go and visit and lots and lots of friends and there is us. I will love you even if you are angry, I will love you when you are sad and lonely, I will love you unconditionally and I hope with time you will love me back.

We will never know the full story of your past but we will be there for you if you want to find out. It has been such a long journey for us, my heart has ached so many times for you to be home and now finally we will bring you to your new home. We will show you the world and all it has to offer but most of all we will show you love and family. You are a special boy and I feel very blessed that you are my son.

Lots of love



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