no it wasn't...

No it was not the last document.

There were a few additional requests but we have managed to gather it all together with the help of family and a very efficient translator.

The support has been amazing and everyone is constantly reminding me that all will be well and soon Raju will be with us.

I had not spoken yet about Raju's name, we had already some time ago decided to give him a second first name and therefore his official name will be Julian Raju. The orphanage has in fact started calling him by his new name eventhough we thought perhaps to transition gradually or continue calling him Raju as a nick name. His dad has a nick name so we didn't see any problem with it. But now we don't want to confuse him any further so we are now using his full first name even though it takes some getting used to :)

Time has been flying by as we have been quite busy work wise. This weekend I have a quiet weekend planned and Monday I shall try and remain calm but I so hope the first hearing will be ok and we soon have a date for a second hearing....

Will check in again next week.


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