Last document?

Since we knew our file is going to court I have been suffering from positive adoption stress. I am so excited to know that we are on the final leg of our journey.

Last week however we were asked to clear the issue of Raju’s citizenship. We had already researched this and decided that we would apply for Belgian citizenship for Raju. Initially we were asked to write a declaration to that effect, witness the signatures and send it to India. Piece of cake, Monday all was ready and posted.

It was not to be this simple though... the court wanted an official document from the Belgian authorities that Raju will be issued with a Belgian passport. Positive stress immediately reversed into negative stress... where did I start! First port of call was our Central Authority who was of course unable to issue such a document but advised me to contact the embassy. The lady at the embassy was so excited about the adoption (kept congratulating me :))and explained to me the process of getting the passport but sadly was in no position to give me any official documents. On to Kind&Gezin, the department that deals with adoption in Belgium but they didn’t even respond to my email and only had sporadic telephone consulation hours. By then it was the end of the day and no more offices were open for me to harass.

In the evening I was drained and U. (hubby) said I really need to calm down J. When I was lying in bed I managed to rationalise things. Every problem always has a solution and tomorrow would be another day so I went to sleep with happy thoughts about Raju.

Wednesday I restarted my search to find the right person to help me and it was bingo with my first attempt. I contacted the Federal Government department that dealt with international adoption. Mrs. V was incredibly friendly and explained that they had indeed such a document and she would organise this for me. I was speechless; I couldn’t believe it was that simple! But it was, I picked up the document this morning and it’s already on the way to India.

Will this be the last document they request, I don’t know but I do know that for everything they request I will move heaven and earth to sort it out.

3 more weeks till the first hearing!


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