A good friend told me: The more time goes by the fewer obstacles will lie ahead of you..

5 days since my last post... by now 3 envelopes are on their way to India... 3 envelopes from 3 different countries... but yes I managed to get all the paperwork together. Hopefully the postal services will not let us down and they should be able to file in the next two weeks. We then need to wait to hear when will be the court dates, there will be several court dates but we do not have to be present. Luckily a representative from the orphanage will take care of this.

I am all packed for our next travel with the usual packing dilemma of what to take, what not to take... I was wondering what my suitcase to India would look like...  I already have a ton of advice from fellow adoptive parents, travel websites etc... but I definitely will be travelling light although hubby says he wants to take food with him. This is quite interesting considering our favourite cuisine is Indian but he is very worried about getting sick over there. We normally are very adventurous when travelling and definitely when it comes to food but I can see his point... I too do not want to be sick on that particular trip. Still I think I will chance it, I simply have to taste the local cuisine J and see how it compares to our favourite Indian restaurants in the UK.

I am glad we are travelling now, it makes time go by faster and we are going to be visiting some great friends and hopefully see some amazing places. I am constantly trying to divert my mind but it seems the harder I try the more difficult it gets. It is so tempting to hop on a plane over there but we would not be able to stay in India for months and I could not bear leaving Raju behind so we will just have to sit tight and wait!


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