
Once we knew our file had been transmitted to a RIPA (orphanage) began an exciting wait...

Because there are no agencies in Monaco and our coordinator does not master English that well, we were given permission to be in direct contact with the RIPA, this is unusual and we are very thankful that the RIPA was ok with this.

On the 5th of July 2011 like all other days for the last 5 years the first thing I did when waking up was to check my email. And there it was.... an email from the orphanage. This of course was not unusual but when I opened it I realised it was the referral. The inital email only contained the medical history and social report. Half an hour later I received pictures .... sometimes the world really does stop. We were smitten but we wanted to make an informed decision. We collected as much medical history as possible and asked for advice from several pediatricians. On the 6th of September we were finally able to sign the official documents!

Many people did not quite understand the procedure and the first question I get asked all the time is, have you met him? They dont' realise this is not possible (or at least not in most cases) and yes it is a big leap of faith but if you are not ready to take this leap, adoption is not for you.

Since July in my heart Raju is our son. The main thing we have to offer is lots of love and everything else we will have to improvise along the way. Just like with natural children, we do not know what lies ahead but I do know that it is a journey worth taking....


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