from September 2007 till March 2011...

The home study was very well carried out. Everyone on the team was extremely positive and supportive and it was a pleasant experience. Eventhough I had heard many stories about home studies ours was very fair and it was not as stressful as I had anticipated. Still the relief when we finally had the agreement was big and it was a very happy moment. Our journey could now really begin...

Adoption involves a lot of paperwork (perhaps an understatement) but there are many protocols and steps to follow. Especially since we are adopting under the The Hague convention it is very important to follow the advice of the central authorities involved.

We waited for several  months (8 to be exact) during which we had no news at all, not even a confirmation that the file was received. After 8 months we discovered that it had in fact not been received at all. The disappointment was so big (plenty of tearful calls to friends and family who all helped us through this). A new file had to be created.... simple so we thought... but the psychologist was no longer there so instead we had to redo our interviews.... We went through it all again albeit over a shorter period of time and a new file was ready in December 2009.

The file was received by CARA so this was already a huge relief but then followed another year of waiting and endless phone calls and emails. CARA was supposed to pass our file to a RIPA but this was not happening.. finally with the help from our central authority we received confirmation that a RIPA had been chosen in Bangalore.... again a very happy moment :)


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