Back to school...

To the other moms,

Your child may be in my child’s class, playgroup or sports group. I am sorry my child doesn’t always fit the norm; he didn’t have a family for many years before coming to us. He had a life without rules and lacked social skills.

My child is trying very hard to fit into this world, but he doesn’t always tick all the boxes. He gets excited about things that seem so common to others. He doesn’t always know how to behave to fit in and sometimes resorts to excessive silly behaviour to mask everything else.

My child has great anxiety issues because he doesn’t always know what is expected of him. My child may need some more attention than yours. He may not be as clever as your child.

Your child may think it’s strange that he doesn’t know the rules of football at age 7 or he has never heard of spongebob squarepants but that’s just because he really doesn’t know.

I wish you would tell your child its ok for others to be different, not everyone had the same start in life. I wish you would tell your child that all my child wants, is to make friends and for his friends to show him life.

I know it’s a lot to ask sometimes, because I know you only want what is best for your child and “different kids” don’t always fit into that picture. But kids are supposed to be just that, kids. They don’t have to outperform each other just yet; they’ll have plenty of time to be ambitious when they’re grown up.

I hope you will be patient this school year, I hope it will be ok for you to have my child in your child’s class because guess what... they too can learn a lot from him.

My child is a survivor; he has courage and a zest for life unlike anyone I know. My child has a big heart and once you get to know him, I just know you would want my child to be your child’s friend.

So all I ask for is a little bit of patience because mine still has a little catching up to do, but he’s getting there. All I ask for is a little bit of time so he can shine in his own way. 

Thank you for accepting my child into your child’s life.

Happy back to school everyone...


  1. Jouw zoon is uniek. Een kind uit de duizend. Een kind met een reuzegroot hart en heel veel liefde.
    Ja soms is de wereld wat te groot voor hem. Maar eerlijk, voor mij soms ook.
    Jouw kereltje heeft vorig jaar stormenderhand mijn hart veroverd. King Julian, mijn absoluut favoriete zevenjarige!


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