Mother's day...

Dear birth mom,

I wonder where you are... I wonder if you wonder what happened to your son.

I wish I could tell you how he became our little wonder. How he’s turning into a caring boy. I wish you could see the sparkle in his eye and the smile that lights up his face. I wish you could feel his hand on your cheek. I wish I could lighten the pain I’m sure you’re feeling when you think of him. No mother relinquishes her child without thought.

I wish I could tell him who you are, what you look like and how much you loved him. I wish he got a chance to know you, I wish he could have had a happy life with you but things turned out differently.

I promise I love him as my own, I will love him through the good and bad and above all I will keep your memory alive. Even though we don’t know who you are, we know you are and always will be his birth mom and for that I am eternally grateful.

Happy mother’s day to all those birth moms who had to make the impossible choice. This is your day as much as it is ours.


  1.'re so selfless, so incredible....really a special human. How deep of you to share such kind words. ABSOLUTELY Inspirational x


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