Home at last...

Friday 3am we set out for the long journey home. I needn’t have worried about having to wake up J in the middle of the night, as soon as I said time to go home to Lily, he was wide awake! 6am we had a flight to Delhi, no problems... five hour layover... a bit long with a small boy ... 8.5 hour flight to London...slept for 7 hours...one night in London...Eurostar to France... car home. Suitcases unfortunately have gone missing for now... I sure hope they will turn up as they are filled with memories of our trip. Luckily I packed his photo book and adoption papers in the hand luggage. Never in my life have I experienced feeling so much joy at seeing someone else’s happiness. He was just over the moon with his house, his room, his dog, his cat.... My worries about him being afraid of Lily had been unnecessary. Although he is a little bit afraid (she is bigger than him and weighs three times more) he does like her very much and pets her as long as we are there with him. Well I’m hap...