Filed in court!

Today we were informed that our file has been filed in the court last Tuesday! We don't have a date yet for our first hearing but I am already so pleased it has been filed. So hopefully it is all complete now!

I wasn't feeling very well the last two days so yesterday I settled down on the couch with tea and honey and I watched an Indian movie called "a peck on the cheek", it tells the story of a girl who is told on her ninth birthday that she was adopted. It is a beautiful film and the music (by A R Rahman)  is wonderful. The film really touches on everybody's feelings that develop after the girl is told she was adopted. Highly recommended to anyone adopting, not necessarily only from India :)

Last Friday we received new pictures of our boy... oh  my he is growing up so quickly. He looks so sweet and happy, it is such a relief to see.

In the mean time I am following other peoples' stories on Ichild India. We are by no means an exception, it is taking long for everyone but every journey has a happy ending so we remain positive.

Will let you know as soon as we have our first court hearing!


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