from zero to puberty in 5 years

Today I read a great letter from Nick Cave about inspiration, I will never be able to put it in words as he did but he says just open your mind to the idea, because the seed that will come to you, is intended really only for you so you just need to grasp it. The thing is that at the moment my brain seems to be a tornado of seeds and I feel like I am just grabbing to try and get hold of just the one seed so I can plant it but each time it slips through my fingers. I feel I am at an impasse in my life, where one side there is an alluring field with flowers and beauty and on the other side there is a torrent sea, dark and foaming but perhaps underneath the surface a beautiful world could be hidden. I have a restless soul, a thirsty soul with a thirst for something unknown. Through all this I am trying to get through a minefield that is called puberty which is intertwined with the one called midlife crisis. It’s a constant battle, I am tired and weary, on cloud 9 one moment an...