One year...
Almost a year ago I was standing on the pavement of our hotel in Bangalore overcome with stress and emotions and to this day I still don’t know how I held it together. A year later I remember exactly the smells and colors of that day, the feeling I had in the taxi on the way, I remember turning into the road of VCT and I remember looking up at the building, I remember seeing the first kids in the corridor, I remember who greeted me and guided me upstairs to the office, I remember in which chair I sat and I remember vividly J appearing in the doorway and leaping into my lap shouting the words mommy. That day is ingrained in my brain and I have a feeling will never fade. My eyes still tear up when I think back to that day, the day everything changed, the day that marked the start of something beautiful but at times so very hard. I have no illusions that all moms go through the hard parts but adoption is still another journey, it’s raw and painful at times and...