Had I known then...

Had I known then, it was going to take 5.5 years to bring you home... Had I known then, that after two years together you still wouldn’t be sure it’s forever... Had I known then, you could throw tantrums that break my heart... Had I known then, you would chatter nonstop trying to fill up every silence... Had I known then, how hard it was going to be for you at school... Had I known then, how difficult it was going to be to integrate socially.... Had I know then... I would have done it all over again. Because I know now, that your smile every morning fills my heart with love. Because I know now, that you have the best intentions. Because I know now, how courageous you are. Because I know now, how much you wanted a family. Because I know now, I couldn’t have wished for a better son. Because I know now, love.