“Amma means mother in many languages. It is originally derived from the language Tamil word அம்மா which means mother” When my son puts his hand on my cheek, looks me straight in the eyes and whispers... my amma forever and ever, I feel so full of love and nothing scares me anymore about motherhood. So here’s where we are six months later... In the last two weeks J calls me his amma but only in the evening when we cuddle before going to sleep, the rest of day he calls me mommy. Yet when he calls me his amma there is something different about it, for some reason it feels more significant. It’s the only word he uses from his native language. Six months ago we picked up a happy but also sometimes complicated little boy fast forward six months and J is pretty much like any other boy; charming, naughty and full of energy. Ready to start school next week, goes on play dates, loves dancing and swimming and watching Barney. J speaks already in three languages of course French a...